General Meeting
The club's biennial General Meeting for 2012-2013 was held at Bank Austria on 24 April 2014, hosted by CdH Deputy Secretary-General Nikolaus Pálffy.
The meeting started with a warm welcome and opening by President Ron Willis and General Secretary Friedrich Schmidl. After the treasurer's and the auditor's reports the business focused on the re-election of the CdH president as well as of the CdH board, who all stood for re-election and were unanimously re-elected.
CdH general meetings now are held every second year only, in order to lay more emphasis on external events and visits to Austrian companies and institutions rather than on internal meetings - and there had been a lot of notable events in the functional period 2012-2013: General Secretary Friedrich Schmidl gave an overview of the various visits to well-known Austrian companies and other hidden champions such as research institutes and universities. The highlight of the period was the club's celebration of it's 40th anniversary together with it's members and representatives of Austria's economic, commercial, and socio-political landscape, high above the roof tops of Vienna in the Sky Lounge on the 12th floor of the Austrian Economic Chamber's headquarters.
Please find more information about our past events in the chronicle-section of our website, where you can also inform yourself about the club's next events.
The Club for Trade Delegates serves as a contact platform between accredited trade and economic delegates and the Austrian business and political community, as Mr. Schmidl pointed out. Attending members congratulated the club on its interesting and valued events and it's very helpful activities.