via donau
CdH visit to the Austrian Waterways Corporation, on 6 September 2010
va Donau fits the definition of a "quango", a quasi-autonomous non-government organization. It was "reformed" in 2005 through the merger of two organisations with similar responsibilities, into a single leaner organization with a more progressive remit to make the Danube a more effective transport artery, but, at the same time, preserve (and where possible, improve) the natural environment on and surrounding the waterway. The remit of responsibility for environmental protection and flood control is also extended along the March and Thaya rivers on the borders with Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Included within via donau is a subsidiary organization, DoRIS; the Donau River Information Service, which is responsible for providing and maintaining information for safe and efficient navigation on the Danube. Mr Hans-Peter Hasenbichler (CEO of via donau), Dr Michael Fastenbauer and Mr Marius Radinger gave presentations explaining the structure and activities of via donau and DoRIS and some of the past and current projects undertaken by the organizations.
Dr Fastenbauer gave the CdH delegation an insight into a number of past and present projects such as the upgrading of navigation communications systems and the quality of the information provided. He highlighted the improved flow of communication between river-going vessels and the river authorities. Improvement in the harmonisation of systems between the various countries using the Danube and other connected waterways was also a subject.
Mr Radinger concentrated on via donau's largest current project, the enhancement of the navigation channel of the Danube in the stretch east from Vienna to the border with Slovakia near Bratislava. This four-year project has the twin objectives of stabilising river bed contours for improved navigation conditions and also, in combination with this, river bank management and water level management to improve and maintain the wetland areas bordering the river for ecological and recreational benefit.
via donau is in a challenging position of managing a number of widely differing responsibilities, some of them presenting potentially conflicting interests. The company must strive to maintain the correct balance between commercial interests and environmental interests. One of its remits is to strive to render the Danube effective for shipping transport, working both as an infrastructure manager and a promoter of ?alternative transport?. At the same time, via donau has been assigned the responsibility of preserving the environmental quality of the Danube basin and associated areas. These responsibilities are not confined within the borders of Austria, but inherently involve close co-operation with Danube neighbours, especially Slovakia.
Please find the presentations of this event in our download-area (for members only)